by John P. Ribner | Jun 19, 2023 | Blog, The Elephant in the Room
Sometimes people ask stupid questions on Quora that I decide to answer here: Q: “Why do white people abandon their aged parents in nursing homes after the love and sacrifices they made for them as kids?” Where did you get such an ill-informed and downright...
by John P. Ribner | Jun 21, 2022 | Blog, Truthful Tuesday
TL;DR: Only an absolute idiot in desperate need of attention would try homing the homeless! So, should you give “Guitar Jimmy” here emergency housing in your home? The answer to your question depends on a few things: How badly do you need to be validated...
by John P. Ribner | Mar 16, 2022 | 1980s Arcade Games, Blog
My son recently turning 13 put me in the wayback machine and hit me in my feels. Okay. I understand that a “golden birthday” isn’t a thing for everyone. Let me explain what it is using my own stats. I was born on September 13. That made the year I turned 13 my golden...
by John P. Ribner | Apr 6, 2021 | Blog
Q: “After a breakup, who should be the first to reach out? The dumper? Or the dumpee?” A: Neither, because reaching out to your ex is a stupid idea! Look, people break up for a variety of reasons. Some of those include incompatibility, infidelity, and...
by John P. Ribner | Apr 3, 2021 | Blog
Nothing. There is absolutely nothing any of my exes could do to get me back. First of all, I’m happily married. So, that right there is the most important reason why none of my exes could ever get me back. Why would I want to divorce my wife to give a second (or...